#!/bin/csh -f set freq1=87666 set freq2=89850 set inname=pnt_mos set outname=n159s alias deconv.csh ../../../scripts/deconv.csh alias idl /Applications/exelis/idl82/bin/idl goto start # Map the HCN & HCO+ data: if (-e deconv.log) mv deconv.log deconv.bak.log rm -f mossdi.log foreach freq ($freq1 $freq2) foreach file (../20*/${inname}.$freq.cal) set dir = $file:h:t rm -f $dir.$freq.cal ln -s $file $dir.$freq.cal end if ($freq == '87666') then set vfirst=221 else set vfirst=200 endif deconv.csh freq=$freq start=invert doself=n outfile=$outname.$freq \ vfirst=$vfirst vlast=300 interact=n delv=4 msklev=3 usemaj=6.4 usemin=6.2 usepa=35 deconv.csh freq=$freq start=cleanup doself=n outfile=$outname.$freq end goto end start: # Generate the moment maps: idl<